Earn a B.A. degree in Sociology
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Our essential mission is to prepare students to analyze, transform, and overcome conditions of oppression, exploitation and injustice.
Contact Us
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Douglass Memorial Hall
Building 23
2419 6th Street NW | 2nd Floor Suite 202
Washington, DC 20059
Phone: 202-806-6853
Social theory and research provide us with powerful tools for critically analyzing, transforming, and overcoming conditions of oppression, exploitation and injustice.
Our graduate and undergraduate programs give students training in the use of these tools and that prepare them for careers and lives in service to their communities and struggles for a better world.
We offer undergraduate programs in Sociology and Criminology, and a graduate program in Sociology.
Contact Our Program Directors
Dr. Reynaldo Ortíz-Minaya
Assistant Professor Undergraduate Program Advisor Email: reynaldo.ortiz.minaya@howard.edu
Mr. Jay Stewart
Undergraduate Program Advisor
Email: j_stewart@howard.edu
For general information contact Administrative Assistant Mr. Michael Omaye
Email: sociology.criminology@howard.edu
No current announcements.
New External Grants Awarded to Faculty Members

Dr. Eleanor King Awarded NSF Grant
Dr. Eleanor King was awarded an NSF grant for more than $250,000 for a collaborative project entitled “Collaborative Research: Exploration of Maya Marketplaces in the Three Rivers Region of Northwest Belize.” The project is a collaboration between university scholars, specialized consultants, and K-12 educators in Belize.

Dr. Bahiyyah Muhammad Co-PI on Two New External Grants
Dr. Bahiyyah Muhammad is a Co-PI on two new external grant awards. She is the co-PI on the $5M Mellon Foundation project entitled "The Just Futures Award," which provides funds to support the Social Justice Consortium and the Social Justice Certificate Program. Dr. Muhammad is also the co-PI on the Knight Foundation award for the "Mis-information and Dis-information and the Voting Patterns of Black Residents in DC" project.

Visting Professor Dr. Michelle Dovil Wins NSF Grant
Dr. Michelle Dovil is the PI for the "Full STEAM Ahead: Powering Connections Among Different Generations of Geoscientists" project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for $295,885. The research project seeks to expand NSF's efforts in bringing diversity and inclusion in the government, industry, and academic community for underrepresented individuals within the geoscience fields through mentorship and professional development. Moreover, the project includes a social science component in order to drive the next generation of leaders full STEAM ahead.